The Bangalore City Traffic Police is a specialized unit of the Bengaluru City Police, responsible for overseeing and enforcing traffic safety compliance on city roads. A challenging job in this large Indian city with 14 million people and a rising number of traffic violations.
According to the Bangalore Mirror newspaper, the Traffic Police filed over 10 million penalty cases in 2017 alone, worth around 15 million USD in fines.
Struggling with an outdated system, complex processes, and high administrative costs in managing data and payments from such a huge number of penalty cases, the Traffic Police department decided to switch to a smarter cloud-based system.
Providing a unique solution
A single device was required, which was to work seamlessly with the Police department’s newly implemented cloud-based solution. It also had to be a portable device which traffic officers could carry with them in the field as a personal digital assistant (PDA) gadget.
Combining advanced connectivity options, full payment acceptance methods, inbuilt cameras and GPS, plus an Android based operating system, the PAX A920 SmartPOS was identified as the perfect complementary product.
The A920 connects directly to the Police department's central server, enabling police officers to instantly access all the offender’s records, which are easily viewed on the terminal’s brilliant HD touch screen. Using the A920, police now file penalty reports and issue fines immediately, taking payment on the spot. Receipts can be issued from the A920, and the suspension of driving licenses is also possible.
The A920’s robust design and high capacity battery are crucial in ensuring that operations can be performed continuously throughout the day in this busy city.
Cutting costs and improve efficiency
Deploying the PAX A920 across Bangalore is helping to digitalize and future-proof the management system of the Traffic Police. By streamlining data management and payment processing in one single device, PAX helped the department to significantly reduce operational costs and improve efficiency.
PAX Technology continues to reshape the payments industry with innovative products, and this case study is a strong testimonial that the Android A-series by PAX offers way more than simple payment terminal functionality. Fully flexible and scalable, this is an ideal solution to streamline any transaction processing business.
Key Benefits for the Traffic Police in using the A920
- One single solution to remove complexity, friction and bribery allegations
- Greater cost efficiencies thanks to increased productivity and reduced back-office workloads
- Access to real-time offender information has eliminated the need for arguments and allows the immediate issuance of fines
- All types of payment are quickly and securely processed
- The PayDroid operating system offers open-platform integration
- User-friendly navigation and touch screen for better user experience
- A truly portable product with long battery life to ensure all day operations
- Data is exportable and can be downloaded in Excel, PDF or CSV formats